Angel Jewels

  • Price excludes Local taxes and duties if applicable. 
  •  All prices mentioned on the site are in USD. 
  • Seldom, there could be human error, system or typographical errors, in the data uploaded, including the prices and may be the information is displayed inaccurately. Such errors may occur despite our every effort to avoid them. We reserve the right to rectify any and/ or all such errors when they occur and we do not accept such inaccurate or incorrect information especially pertaining to prices. In case a stone’s listed price is lower or higher than the actual price, we will, either contact you for instructions before shipping or cancel the order and notify you of such cancellation. This decision is at our sole discretion. In such cases, if the product is already shipped, you will the difference between the actual and charged price will be paid by the concerning side or return the goods in accordance to business ethics. The prices are subject to change without prior notice. In case of any questions, please feel free to contact our customer service manager our support.